After the ceremony there are 14 trees on NDSM with actual names. Here are eleven names of our new friends.

the outside office is open for business. Find a tree that feels like a friend and name it and it becomes a friend!

Look at the plans from central city government to get rid of all the trees on the former shipyard ndsm.

final ceremony- naming the tree: Lucia!

As visual artist our domain is in the imaginairy. Since our studio is under constant threat the past twenty years it has become clear that there is a Battle going on. This current art project is trying to imagine and visualize this urban battleground, How the system of neoliberal land policies executed by a left political city constitution, is not democratic, unfair and is winning in Amsterdam. We are strong and we will stay putt. It is important to fight what you believe in....But it is no fun!

OPEN day at NDSM Amsterdam

NDSM Open.

Upcoming saturday/ komende zaterdag 28th of september 2019.

starting from 12 noon